
首先批评一下自己,没有按时完成读书任务,本来这个月底应该读完《Essential C++》了。

Machine learning的那份因为最后一次Assignment的deadline比较长,得等8月中才能拿到。
新的三门课下来了,其中有一门,Listening to World Music,因为需要大量英文写作被俺放弃。
然后只剩两门,Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computing与Introduction to Finance。



希尔伯特空间,In ,或许真的是我太蠢,怎么也不明白到底是怎么回事,就够人受的了,居然还——向量的系数都是复数啊!!!不明白啊!!!

A qubit is either in the state or . Which of the following measurements best distinguishes between these two possibilities?

到底什么叫best distinguishes between these two possibilities啊?


再摘抄一段教学视频中的话来结尾,这次是Gautam Kaul在Welcome Video中说的

Finally. This class is about ambiguity and learning. And I would encourage you to take that attitude towards it. Okay? One last thing, which I feel compelled to talk about because I have prepared most of the class, and I want it to share with you. Why did I say yes to it? Why did I choose to do something online? The first reason is I believe education should be accessible to all. Why do I believe that? Because I believe education almost is like a right. It's almost like a right to breathe. I do have strong views about it, but I genuinely believe that education makes you become empowered. The most valuable investment you could ever make is education. What do I mean by that? Remember, if you want electricity, which is good, you're willing to burn coal. However burning coal leads to some problems, some costs on society, and on you too. Education is an investment that largely gives your benefits. Why wouldn't you want to do that? Why wouldn't you to make an investment in yourself. My goal, in this investment, is to empower you not to be dependent on a coach like me or any other person. But to take this class and say, I can do it too, and that's the beauty of education. I'll make couple more points and then we'll see each other in about a week. This has been a real challenge for me as a teacher. I've always wanted to be able to teach everybody, every single person and that's not been easy and I don't think I can teach everybody. But this experiment, hopefully which becomes an ongoing activity in my life, I feel like this gives me the ability to reach out to you on a one to one basis and hopefully. Make you learn, and be excited.