

|                                学习篇                                |
|          Course           |    School     |    Time    |   Record    |
|     Software Security     |   Maryland    |  6 weeks   |    94.7%    |
|     Cryptography          |   Maryland    |  7 weeks   |    97.1%    |
|     Hardware Security     |   Maryland    |  6 weeks   |    98.3%    |
|     Principles of         |   EPFL        |  7 weeks   |    94.3%    |
|   Reactive Programming    |               |            |             |
|    Programming Mobile     |               |            |             |
| Applications for Android  |   Maryland    |  4 weeks   |    98.0%    |
| Handheld Systems: Part I  |               |            |             |
|    Programming Mobile     |               |            |             |
| Applications for Android  |   Maryland    |  4 weeks   |    100.0%   |
| Handheld Systems: Part II |               |            |             |
|Programming Mobile Services|               |            |             |
|    for Android Handheld   |   Vanderbilt  |  6 weeks   |    83.5%    |
|    Systems: Concurrency   |               |            |             |
| How to Use Git and GitHub |    Udacity    |  3 lessons |  completed  |
|  Developing Android Apps  |    Google     | 10 lessons |     9/10    |
|Programming Mobile Services|               |            |             |
|    for Android Handheld   |   Vanderbilt  |  6 weeks   |    100.0%   |
|   Systems: Communication  |               |            |             |


|                                        设备篇                                     |
|   Platform           |    Plant     |  Interface   | Produce Time | Purchase Time |
| KOBO-KWGP01-ML-EFB2  |    Filco     |      USB     |   2015.12    |    2015.12    |
|                                                   游戏篇                                          |
|                游戏名                                |     平台     |     分类     |    攻略度    |
|             うたわれるもの 偽りの仮面                |     PS3      |     SLG      |     通关     |
|カードファイト!!ヴァンガード ライド トゥ ビクトリー!! |     3ds      |     ETC      |     通关     |
|カードファイト!! ヴァンガード ロック オン ビクトリー!!|     3ds      |     ETC      |     通关     |
|    ポケモン不思議のダンジョン ~マグナゲートと∞迷宮  |     3ds      |     RPG      |     通关     |
|              世界樹と不思議のダンジョン              |     3ds      |     RPG      |     通关     |
|              神のラプソディ                          |     PC       |     SLG      |     通关     |
|                              阅读篇                              |
|              书名               |       分类      |   完成情况   |
|           大教堂与集市          |       科技      |      完      |
|           哥德尔埃舍尔巴赫      |       科技      |    第三章    |
|           高效能程序员的修炼    |       科技      |      完      |

|                              听书篇                              |
|              书名               |       分类      |   完成情况   |
|          西晋原来不风流         |       历史      |      完     |
|        战国纵横:鬼谷子的局     |       历史      | 492回(中结)|
|          贾志刚说春秋           |       历史      |    5卷63回   |